
Paul Craig Roberts

“The ability of the owners of the political/media class to discredit and neutralize anyone who poses a threat to their interests simply by rearranging the narratives about them is one of the most destructive psychological weapons in their arsenal. The main reason it’s so hard to convince the public that they have been taken in by propaganda and smear campaigns is because for some stupid reason, one of the most shameful things anyone can do in our society is be fooled. If we are to overcome the narrative dominance of the powerful, it is essential that we find a way to shift that shame from those who have been fooled onto those who have been fooling them.” 

— Caitlin Johnstone


Dear Readers:

This is my quarterly call for your donations.

This website originated on New Year’s Eve 2011.  I had enjoyed two months retirement before you called me back into action.  We are now well into the 8th year of my recall from retirement.

I am pleased that you called me back. The column is read by millions of people annually in many languages. The columns have resulted in three books translated into Russian, Chinese, Korean, Czech, Turkish, German, and French. They don’t make much money, but they help the world to wake up to the evil that has an iron grip on the Western World.  The endless wars based entirely on lies serving hidden agendas have destroyed the concept of the West as the hope of humanity.  The soft power behind which secret agendas operated is gone forever.


Wherever one looks the structure of Western civilization is collapsing. The Western media, which is a Ministry of Truth that broadcasts official explanations, has no need of the First Amendment as the presstitutes never intend to tell the truth.

Western civilization created the rule of law in order to prevent arbitrary government power that results in tyranny.  Without freedom of speech, the lies that comprise official explanations prevail, and the population is locked in the Matrix of controlled explanations.  Even video games now serve propagandistic purposes. https://www.rt.com/news/460725-modern-warfare-white-helmets-propaganda/ 

This site ( paulcraigroberts.org ), and a few others, serves truth, not agendas.  Truth is not free and is becoming more and more expensive to those who strive to provide it. Assange is merely the first victim of Washington’s War on Truth.  There will be many more victims.  There is no one to support truth but those individuals who value it.  Foundations do not support truth.  Advertisers do not support truth.  Today not even universities support truth. 

This is your site. 

Our agreement is that I will take the slings and arrows as long as you value the information.  For those of you who want solutions, there can be no solution until enough people are informed.  Once a critical mass of informed people is achieved, the people will find  solutions. But without truth sites, such as this one, the people will never be informed. 

So, whether or not truth prevails is up to you.  







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