
How To Defeat Secret Societies

Even a limited government does not solve the problem that every minimal state inevitably transforms into Big Government over time. It can only be an interim solution. There is no way to prevent lobbyists or secret societies from influencing politicians.

But there is one and only one solution to the problem. To solve a problem you have to get to the root cause of it. I am presenting my solution here for the first time. I describe it in my third book, but since I do not know when it will be available in English I will present a short version of it here.

It may surprise many libertarians or followers of mine that I do not see the root cause of the problem as the absence of natural law or property rights or the application of the non-aggression principle. These are only consequences. I will try to prove this point logically. The fundamental principle can be expressed in just nine words:

The arbiter must not be part of the conflict.

